Creating A SAW Account

Secure Access Washington

Secure Access Washington allows you to access services from the State of Washington with a single login name and password.


What is a Secure Access Washington (SAW) Account?

A Secure Access Washington Account (SAW) allows you to access many WorkSource online services. SecureAccess Washington is a central login that lets you access the online services of multiple state agencies. It's often referred to as SAW, and is a service provided by Washington's Consolidated Technology Services.

Creating a SecureAccess Washington Account

  1. Go to SecureAccess Washington and select Create an Account.
  2. Click Start.
  3. Enter your personal information in the fields provided and click Next.
  4. Create a user ID and password and click Next.
  5. Review your information (You may want to print this page for your records). Click Next.
  6. Enter the security code in the field provided and click Submit.
  7. You'll see an on-screen request to check your email for a message from SecureAccess Washington.
  8. Go to your email inbox, open the message and click the link to activate your new account. This link takes you back to SecureAccess Washington.
  9. Enter the User ID and Password you created in Step 4 above, and click Login.

What if You Already Have an Account But Forgot Your Username or Password?

The picture below shows how you can quickly reset your information.

If you have already created one and have forgotten your username or password, click here:


Read About How to Create Your SAW Account

Click the flyer below to view and download.

How to Create a SAW Account for All Services

 Including Unemployment Insurance.

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For SAW Help Desk Call (855) 682-0785

Please keep in mind they are experiencing heavy call volumes.

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