WorkSource Is Here To Help
We can answer many of your questions in a timely manner by calling your local WorkSource Office during normal operating hours. The phone numbers and operating hours for the WorkSource Office nearest you are listed below.
Virtual Assistance We Can Provide
When you call, WorkSource Office staff can help you
- Troubleshooting your account
- Develop your resume, prepare for an interview, and obtain career guidance
- Access our services in cases where you don't have a computer available, need translation services, or need accommodations for your job search
- Receive referrals to community services
- Connect with resources for training, education, and other work-related support services
Keep in Mind...
Unfortunately, our WorkSource Office staff cannot help you with questions about the status of your Unemployment Insurance application or claim. For those inquiries please check out the section of our orientation on How to Apply for Unemployment Insurance or go to
WorkSource Phone Numbers and Hours of Operation
WorkSource Grays Harbor and Pacific
Hours of Operation: 9am-5pm
For both Grays Harbor & Pacific call (360) 538-2350
WorkSource Lewis
Hours of Operation: 9am-5pm
Please call (360) 748-2360
WorkSource Mason
Hours of Operation: 9am-5pm
Please call (360) 427-2174
WorkSource Thurston
Hours of Operation: 9am-5pm
Please call (360) 704-3600